Desktop Chair v2
Desktop Chair v2 is not limited to specific products or particular ways to be used. Whether you are standing or sitting, putting your tablet vertically or horizontally, using your tablet naked, cased or covered, or even propping up your laptop or real book. Desktop Chair v2 accommodates virtually all sizes and shapes of tablet. It is designed and crafted for the time-span of real furniture. You may or may not update your tablet frequently, but Desktop Chair v2 may well be your last tablet stand you’ll ever buy. Desktop Chair v2 is made with premium wood sheets that are cross-grained (layered perpendicularly) and hydraulic-hot-pressed to achieve maximum dimensional durability and precision. Despite the modern process, rounding the edges and finishing on the sleek curvature cannot be done without the hands of a craftsman. This translates to a quality wood furniture that’s exceptionally strong, precise, and beautiful.
Desktop Chair Walnut
Founded on Campfire, Japan's version of Kickstarter